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Live with a joyous attitude

I Can See Clearly Now The Rain Is Gone

It’s incredible that it’s already been 3 months today since opening the doors of Vibe Organic Juice Bar. I am overwhelmed with gratitude. The last 3 months have gone by in the blink of an eye. I pinch myself daily to remind myself I am no longer working in Corporate America but running my own company!

The road to this point has definitely not been easy. Yet when you can finally see the results of something you have been working on for the past two years, makes it worth it. I often repeat my father’s words of wisdom when there were times I wanted to quit “If starting a company were easy Amber everyone would do it.” He has reminded me many times of this through this rollercoaster journey to opening a business.

So how has it been you may ask? I have been eager to share with everyone what has been going on but it wasn’t until now that I am able to feel like I am steering the boat and it’s not about to capsize. I knew where I wanted to go but wasn’t sure how I would get there. It’s like the saying heard by many of my fellow Minnesota friends, I was a “deer in headlights.”

Let’s start with the fact that I haven’t run or worked in a commercial kitchen…ever friends. This would be very apparent the first few weeks when on more than one occasion I was flying around the kitchen (possibly on a broom LOL) and I forgot that I was filling the 3-compartment sink up. Before I know it water, soap and sanitizer overflowing everywhere on the kitchen floor as some of our first customers were entering the door. AND that sanitizer by the way will take the skin off your hands if you don’t wear rubber gloves and your hands will feel like they went through a cheese grater. Little lessons like this I learn daily and am grateful to be here learning and improving as we go.

Owning a business has enlightened to me so many things that go on behind the scenes that is never noticed to the public. I am all about being real and authentic in how I live my life and sharing information in an honest way to enlighten others is my complete intention.

Immediately after our build out we put together our soon to be 100% organic kitchen and were finally ready to open the doors. Thankfully having seen my father open his business and I had interviewed several other business owners to know that things will not go smoothly in the beginning. This was proven to be true when the POS system (which was completely new to me) went down every day for an entire week before we learned that the electrical panel had been fried by the previous tenant. Or when our air conditioner blew out heat when it was supposed to be cooling off our generous customers.

When opening a new business, I quickly learned that all aspects of having a social life are completely on hold (pending experience if they come back). I wish I could say I remember the amount of times I had to cancel at the last minute on plans I made with someone I cared about because something came up with the business. It’s a new way of living that I am getting used to and working to embrace. Stay tuned on my progress.

Running an organic kitchen requires the utmost consciousness. Our produce is expensive and when we mix something wrong, drop food on the floor or make a mistake in a recipe it’s costly so we have to be extra cautious because it can be up to three times more expensive then conventional produce.

We have wonderful partners we purchase produce from but things are not always available so we are running across town to get organic pineapple after finding it on the 5th call to a co-op. We drive the 12 miles after we close the shop to get the pineapple because of our integrity in what we stand for. This in the same vein has made it difficult for us to offer free and discounted product because pricing is volatile when dealing with organic food and fluctuates a couple of times a week.

The St. Louis Park community has been absolutely amazing. They are so grateful and supportive of our juice bar. I couldn’t be more fulfilled at the end of the day by the number of people we serve and that say to us “Thank you for coming to this community we needed you.” Our full intention at Vibe Organic Juice Bar is to provide healthy options for people and delicious fresh juice and food.

Now that we are 3 months in and many of the unknowns of the kitchen are behind us we are ready for what’s next. I am excited to get more involved with food activist work, teaching and sharing health and wellness through different avenues and living in a state of gratitude as to never forget why I wake up everyday and do what I do.

Looking back, I can confidently can say I made the right decision to leave corporate life behind and follow my purpose. After 39 years on this Earth I finally feel like I am a part of the universal flow of energy and am in alignment with the Universe. No longer do I suffer from chest palpations on my drive into work because I don’t want to be where I am going. I am finally around healthy people that want to take care of their health, are optimistic, positive and have good vibes. Only will I be around this forever.

To every customer, friend new or old and family member that has come to support Vibe Organic Juice Bar my most extended gratitude to you.

Love and Light


Pic Above: Sitting outside the storefront I manifested since birth maybe?

Pic Below: Left is before. I completed a 3 day cleanse a week ago to reset and recharge my body, mind and spirit.

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