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Live with a joyous attitude

My Favorite Female Reads of 2017

One of my goals for 2017 was to read more. I was serious about making a commitment but I knew I had to change my daily habits and make a conscious effort to purchase books or check out from the library and hold myself accountable to reading them. For the first few months of 2017 I took the social media websites I would frequent daily off of my iphone so I wouldn’t mindlessly log on. I chose to keep a book in my purse to read anytime I was in line waiting somewhere or for someone. If our family was travelling in the car or running errands I replaced reading with wasting time on my iphone. My mindset changed to if I am going to have idle time or wait I may as well make it productive and useful. At first it felt awkward reading a book while everyone else was on their phone but I quickly got over it and let it go. No one was even looking at me or noticed I had a book they were too busy on their phones!

I smile because in my year of amped up reading I have become enlightened more than ever and my brain neurons I could feel literally carving out new pathways (this really happens when adults learn). I remember as a teenager hearing my father repeadily say “reading makes you smarter.” I never understood what he meant by that because I never felt smarter after reading books in the past. In reflection I thoroughly enjoyed reading fictional stories about living in New York or working at a high-profile ad agency or being a shop-a-holic, they were highly entertaining to me. I realize in this moment I wasn’t learning or expanding my knowledge and personal development as a being. It finally sunk in, my father was referring to was educational reading! Who knew?!

As I continually evolve as a spiritual being my choice in reading material has to. This year I have learned so much from successful people that have written stories about how they overcame personal struggle to move on to share, create, inspire and teach. Through reading other people’s stories it spring boarded my own self-awareness. In the last 12 months I have read more books than I have read in the last several years and I understand what my father meant after all these years! Reading does make you smarter, when it’s to develop yourself and expand your thinking. Learn about a new subject, read about other people's journeys that overcame and conquered life’s obstacles to yourself become stronger, and realize we are all connected. I am so grateful for the many authors that have written inspiring stories that helped me identify my gifts and understand I am here for a reason and we are all connected.

Of the 25 books I have read this year I narrowed down to 5 of my favorites (linked to amazon in bold) that were the most impactful and resignated with me over the others. I share with you hoping to spark some curiosity, find some peace, comfort or relation in wanting more out of your reading.

Aim True in this book authored by yoga instructor Kathryn Budig in which she writes about women taking control and empowering themselves through self care, yoga, meditation. She includes beauty recipes and talks about going through a 5 day purification process and fun DIY at home beauty recipes and some amazing recipes for the kitchen. She is real, authentic and has experience to back up what she is writing about.

Soul Searcher’s Handbook was one of those books that you want to have your notepad right next to when you are reading. This book is perfect for anyone that wants to become more spiritual but doesn’t know where to start. I love this read because it covers an array of subjects from everything to essential oils, crystals, what your numbers and colors you gravitate to mean and how it ties into spirituality that you may be seeking. Emma Mildon is authentic and real and very relatable if you are looking for your purpose or path in this life.

Womancode is a game changer. If you are someone that has always looked at your menstrual cycle as a pain, inconvenience or thoughts of discuist this is your next read. If you have ever struggled with infertility you want to read this book. Alisa Vitti writes about how what we eat throughout the month has a direct effect on our bodies. There are certain types of food that we should be eating based on where we are in our monthly cycle and food to avoid. The most eye opening for me was the fact that we as women are not meant to feel the same energy every day or feel the same way emotionally every day and we shall embrace it. The author breaks down each of the 4 phases per cycle we go through and everything she says and recommends makes sense. If you enjoy this book take the process a step further with my friend Dr. Beth Westie’s in her book called The Female Fat Solution where she talks even more on protein as part of our diet, specific foods to eat and when.

Rise Sister Rise written by Rebecca Campbell whom I adore after reading and learning of her. This book is like nothing I have experienced before as it relates to the real true feminine being. The author does an amazing job summarizing the feminine being has gotten somewhat lost and suppressed since the beginning of time. It’s time we start choosing ourselves and listen to the intuition that is talking to us. It’s time to not care what others think of you because it’s your duty to live this life for your purpose. There as so many though provoking questions throughout the book I wrote them all down for future journaling.

The Universe Has Your Back by Gabby Bernstein is perfect for the woman who worries. Whether you have thoughts about the future, the what if’s, the I can’t because, this book is for you. Gabrielle says, “My commitment with this book is to wake up as many people as possible to their connection to faith and joy. In that connection, we can be guided to our true purpose: to be love and spread love. These words can no longer be cute buzz phrases that we merely post on social media. Rather, these words must be our mission. The happiness, safety, and security we long for lies in our commitment to love.” If that doesn’t sound like something you want to read tell me what is 😊

I would love to hear from you if you read or have read any of these wonderful books. With my newfound love of reading I can talk books for hours. Does that officially make me a book nerd? I hope so!

Love and Light,


Pic Above: I stacked up on books at the library for the first time and read them all!

Pic Below: The beautiful window is my favorite reading spot at the library.

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