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Live with a joyous attitude

7 Holiday Tips on Conscious Eating

As I reflect back on my eating habits and the evolution of them over time I feel like I have finally gained more self control now than ever. My decision on whether I want to indulge in something is purely based on "how do I want to feel after I eat this" and does the "pleasure of eating outweigh the system of effects that will take place in my body and mind after I indulge"? More times than not the answer is no. I have no shame in admitting that in the past I have had little self control when it comes to eating and drinking and especially around the holidays. Even better, I have evolved my level of consciousness as it relates to eating and making decisions on staying true to myself. I am not saying I won't eat the cake but I make it a rare occasion rather than previously telling myself "everything in moderation". Everything in my own "moderation" got me to a weight I don't ever want to see again and I mind that I don't want to ever go back to. I am an all or nothing kind of girl so my discipline may not be the same as yours yet we still can learn from each other. I have put together some tips on what works for me and my updated mindset as it relates to food and gaining control over old patterns of thought and action.

#1 Set the Intention: Now is the time! Set your intentions, write them down and post them where you can see them. For example, I have hanging in my office right now my eating intentions I am focusing on "Eat Clean. Eat Organic". If you are looking to avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain you may set an intention "I am going to maintain my current weight throughout the holidays". When you write an intention down and stare it in the face everyday the Universe will help you make it happen but you have to take action too. I am saying don't go buy the cookies and avoid the sugary drinks at all costs!

#2 Eat before you go to the party. Get a balanced amount of protein, complex carbs and fiber in what you choose to eat before you go. I like to have a smoothie before a food gathering. It's quick and easy to whip up before you leave out the door. For a nutritionally balanced smoothie refer back to one of my favorite recipes I have created click here. Other ideas are a 100% whole wheat toast with almond butter- raspberries with raw pumpkin seeds or an apple with peanut butter.

#3 Portion Control. Be intentional about the amount of food you are putting on your plate. Use a smaller size plate if available it gives you the sense of a full plate of food just less of it. I like to go for seconds this is a pattern, I recognize but I have learned to make it work for me. I take a half size portion the first time this way if I want to go back for seconds I have now only eaten 1 serving size vs. possibly 2 servings.

#4 Eat All of the Raw Vegetables You Want and Chew Every Bite of Food 20 Times. I know this sounds silly but again it works I can confirm! No one will even notice I promise and you will enjoy the food so much more. You will appreciate the taste and your digestive tract will thank you for chewing your food so much more enabling it to makes its way through with much less energy and inflammation effects.

#5 BYOK. Bring your own Kombucha. If you don’t know much about Kombucha click here. Pour it in a wine glass so you “fit in”. My other favorite drink I like to bring to holiday parties is sparkling water with my favorite fruit juice. Currently, I love any flavor of sparking water with a splash of the Jalapeno Limeade from Trader Joe’s (pictured below).

#6 Work Out First. If you go through the energy to work out you are less likely to overeat. Instead of thinking of getting a workout in so you can eat the extra calories consider this thought process “I have worked out and given my body the energy it needs. I have the self-control to eat what is healthy and nourishes my cells."

#7 Bring a Healthy Dish. Find out what people are bringing and come up with a healthy dish to compliment the offerings. If you already know someone is bringing a vegetable plate you have confirmed there is one thing you can snack on, now come up something fun and interesting or revise a recipe with a healthy twist. The options are endless.

If you slip up and eat too much please do not beat yourself up. Recognize what you did and what your part in it was, set an intention to not do it again and move on. Every day is a new day and opportunity to up your health control. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water just because you lost in the game of self-control. To optimally work our bodies and our energy it’s best to eat 6 fist size meals rather than 3 larger portion meals. By changing your thought process to this theory hopefully you will be more conscious of what you are eating and have more self- control around the holidays and next year too.

Love and Light,


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