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Live with a joyous attitude

Spiritually Me Speaking

It’s hard to believe it has been two years since my 37th Birthday when I had a higher calling to detach myself from my current life and answer to the calling of self-awareness and true happiness. Not the kind of happiness that is relative, which can come in many forms. The happiness I am referring to is a deeper happiness, the kind that can never be destroyed or defeated. The state of being where no matter what happens you are invincible and your soul mission is to help others achieve this state of happiness with you.

It’s incredibly fascinating to me as I look back and reflect what has happened since my mountain retreat over my birthday just two years ago. Before I left for California anyone could have told me my life would be 200% better in 2 years I would have said “you are bat shit crazy” or “how is that going to happen?!” After becoming enlightened to the fact that we are not born to work and struggle all of the time I changed my outlook on life I made a promise to myself to live a happier more fulfilling life. Not knowing exactly what that meant or where it would take me I still made it my personal mission. I longed to find a career that is fulfilling and where I can give back to people and serve in any capacity. Since becoming enlightened to the world around me I can actually feel my vibrations have lifted and I am well on my way to living a world in which wisdom, joy and compassion are the foundation. I am not saying all struggle is gone, because struggle is essential to our individual growth as human beings, but I now have the ability to handle what life has in store for me.

I have talked about vision boards and the powerful force behind them. On my 2017 vision board is a picture of several rocks stacked on top of each other. These rocks symbolized my spirituality and by putting this image on my vision board I was sending a message to the Universe that I wanted to deepen my spirituality. I felt there was something else really wonderful for me to discover. When you can envision and see your future and what you want in life it’s amazing how the Universe delivers it to you. Certain books would literally fall off the shelf in front of me, a guided meditation would appear before me that I needed in the exact moment, I would stumble across someone really inspiring online or I would meet a new friend who had a characteristic that I needed in my life. Once you make the decision to stop fighting against the higher forces, your own mishaps, being a victim, your past (using up negative energy that you shouldn’t be) the Universe will work with you. Accept what just is and move on for the higher good of yourself and others around you. There is no need to dwell and talk continuously about a situation unless you can come up with a solution.

In order to become wiser, one must experience, study and self-educate to become more knowledgeable. The same this is true for spirituality, you become wiser, the more you learn. It became clear to me we are not put on earth to suffer all of the time, we are put on earth to carry out our personal mission and achieve ultimate happiness. As part of my calling to go deeper into spirituality I was again by a random act of energy introduced to SGI International. It’s part of a worldly movement going on that teaches each of us self-empowerment and self-reliance based on the principle that each one of us is put on this earth to carry out our purpose using our unique gifts and ultimately achieving Buddhahood on Earth. Following the synchronicities presented to me from the Universe lead me home to SGI. In the short time that I have been part of the organization I am beyond grateful to be around other human beings that have the same thought process and beliefs as myself. Talk about positive energy I always leave meetings feeling like I can conquer anything with the support from others and the teachings we discuss.

As I look forward to my thirty-ninth year on this planet I am beyond excited for what is to come. Knowing I am indestructible and will not be defeated in this life whatever the outcome is. I am not the same person I was yesterday, I am constantly evolving for that is part of my mission. My hope is to very soon within the next few weeks make an exciting announcement to the world on my personal mission and future. I hope you stay tuned and will follow me along this journey and perhaps join me. I am ready to learn through the teacher of love I hope you are too.

Be the love and light.


Pic Above: Women's Division Group SGI International

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