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Live with a joyous attitude

What's Your Vision?

Before my awakening I used to have an attitude of whatever happens in life happens. I will take life as it comes day by day. Fight the same battles everyday and wake up the next and do it all over again. Same problems different day. I never thought about who or what I wanted to be. If an opportunity for a higher paying job came along I may apply for it. If I didn't get the job I would tell myself "it wasn't meant to be" and "there will be other opportunities". I was right it wasn't meant to be and looking back now I understand why. I became awakened to my attitude on how I approached life wasn't aligned with the Universe. I would look at other people who inspired me and think wow they are so lucky, they are passionate about their work, experts in their field and they earn a living doing so while making an impact in this World. How did they do that?

I know now it's not about luck, for the most part, I mean I do believe in luck don't get me wrong. First and foremost it's about taking control of your life and starting to plan it out, the luck will find you. The secret is you have to become to driver of your life. This starts by becoming conscious and making visuals all around you so you remember every day.

For me I started by putting together a vision board. The first time I heard about a vision board I thought it was witchy craft stuff and bull$hit. Being completely open minded years later and educating myself I started to see successful people that I looked up to use vison boards over and over again. I bought an oversized piece of cardboard and cut out pictures from magazines that depicted what I wanted in life. I am not only talking about material things but all, relationships and love. My first vision board I put together was at the end of 2015. I am pretty sure it's not random that 2016 for me was one of my most memorable years ever. I wanted a healthy body instead I had 4 surgeries and wasn't sure what sure what caused them. Instead of why me and feeling sorry for myself I focused on the vision board I put together. I began to further educate, train and learn about mind, body, health and wellness. Half way through 2017, no longer in Corporate America, I have lost over 40 pounds and ferociously pursuing a life mission to heal and help others. I am telling you this $hit works you just have to do it. I have so many other successes to share from using vision boards for only the past two years. These successes will be part of my book I plan to publish, which ironically is on my 2017 vision board. Once you have your vision board put together it's time to focus on action steps you can take on developing yourself to hit the vision. Just putting a vision board together is wonderful but you do have to take personal action.

Back in my early career days in Corporate America I vaguely remember carrying a planner around with me. This was before the days of cell phones and electronic calendars. Once everything became electronic I think that may have been where I lost my way in terms of planning, goal setting and writing things down? Or maybe it was life, kids and chaos? None the less, never did I ever think I would go back to a daytime planner, how old school! My thought patterns changed two years ago when I decided it was time to change my life, literally changed my life. Having this visual tool in front of me every day held me accountable to working toward reaching my goals. You begin by setting yearly goals and breaking them down by month, week and day. It's genius and there is a spiritual element added to it as to go deeper within.

Please don't wait until 2018 to set your goals. Now is the time! September is almost here we. This is the best time for a re-start. Fall is coming, the kids are back in school the weather patterns are changing and it's time for new beginnings.

Love and Peace, -Amber

Pic Above: My first vision board from 2015

Pic Below: Part of my 2017 vision board

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