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Live with a joyous attitude

Becoming More Mindful

When you are fully aware of your thoughts in the present moment you are being mindful. Becoming more mindful is being present with yourself and asking yourself why you truly are doing the things you do. This can be on several levels. As I reflect back I recall was my weekly shopping trip to Supertarget. Every Saturday morning purchasing my $5 latte (little did I know at the time it was laden with GMOs) to buy more stuff I didn't need. But hey now, I bought it on clearance which justified the purchase right? I mean I did need new Christmas lights in January for next year or maybe in 2 years whos knows? I was not being mindful, I was buying more clutter that I didn't need to fill "space" I didn't need to fill which turned into baggage literally. For me becoming more mindful meant looking at my entire world I was living. From where I was banking and asking myself why I was banking there which prompted me to switch to a Credit Union. Why was I buying groceries from a corporation when I can belong to a member owned grocery store that supports local community and gives back to it's members? Did I believe in the culture of the companies I was doing business with? Did I agree with the way they treated their employees? If it didn't align with my core values I mindfully made the point to change what I was doing.

In my research and when I talk to many friends my belief is people haven't had the thought to think about it and they just do it like they have always done it. We develop repeat patterns and continue on without thought. That was true for myself. Once the question is asked the thought may stay with you and it gets stronger and stronger until finally becomes difficult to ignore. This excites me because it's part of the awakening process. This is where the fun begins because you can change things and for the greater good of all. You can directly impact someone you actually meet and directly contribute to their livelihood. It felt so good the first time I took my dog to be groomed by a woman who runs her own pet grooming service versus the corporation that runs a grooming service out of a big box store. After leaving my puppy had a smile from ear to ear and was not scared afterwards. I could tell it was the right decision because the shift felt right and aligned with my values.

Here are some other areas that may spark your curiousity to start thinking about and if you are doing what is for your highest good aligning with your own values.

What are you putting on your skin? This is everything from lotions, shampoos, hair dyes, toothpaste, and personal care products. 30% of what you put on your skin gets absorbed into your bloodstream. What ingredients are in the products you are using? The easy thing to do is not pay attention or if you don't understand what the ingredient is you overlook it and buy it anyway. Keep in mind many of the corporations that make massive amounts of products are not in business to make sure you the consumer have optimoal health in mind. They add fillers, gmos, chemicals to lessen the expense of the manufactruring plus they have a large payroll, stock prices to watch and massive expenses to cover. If you don't understand what an ingredient is google it and do even 1-2 minutes of research on the effects of the chemical. I know it's confusing because there is so much out there. This is where I say go with your instincts. If you have a doubt don't buy it and go research more. Keep in mind who you are purchasing from and what their motives are. Are there alternative places you can purchase your skin care items from where you trust the person you are buying from has your best interest in mind?

Your water source. This is so important for numerous reasons. I wasn't fully aware of the water treatment process in my area until I did further research. Plastic water bottles are so not 2017. You can easily switch over to glass water bottles. I love to save my glass beverage bottles I purchase and reuse them for water bottles. Do you filter your water? If you don't filter your water are you okay with fluoride consumption and the side effects? If you are buying bottled water have you seen the tests that show in some cases it's merely tap water unfiltered? Talk about a waste of money! There are several viral videos online that demonstrate what you are actually drinking when you purchase water. This was a big one for me and I did a substantial amount of research and came across a water filter I keep in my kitchen to filter all of the water we drink and cook with and a separate filter on the shower because through my research the water you wash off with is just as important as the water you drink.

Your food source. This for me this had the largest impact and has evolved more than all other changes I made. Where your food is sourced from, how the animals were treated, what they ate and the conditions when they were killed have an impact on your health. If you ever question this I say please watch the documentary on Netflix called What The Health I promise you will look at life different. If you can find a local organic farmer that has sustainable practices in place this is best. It's less of an impact on the environment because it isn't coming from hundreds of miles away. This is also true when it comes to fruits and vegetables. The reason I am pro organic is because it means that the produce doesn't contain GMO's or pesticides. It's my first year participating in a CSA program where we get to meet the farmer that plants and tends to our vegetables with a beautiful box of fresh vegetables and herbs picked up weekly. It's been so cultivating to get a news letter each week from our farmer with in depth descriptions of some of the things that go on in an organic farm which hadn't ever cross my mind until I became enlightened. Knowing these details gives you a deeper appreciation for the farmers that grow our food. We thank them in our hearts every time we enjoy a delicious organic meal.

The more we become more mindful and work together in our communities to support each other in areas where possible we help everyone. You gain a deep appreciation for all of the wonderful passionate people that are doing what they were meant to be doing and cultivating community. In my opinion I feel as a society we have gotten further away from supporting community and local businesses for many reasons. It's time to shift the pendulum in the other direction. We all have to protect ourselves and do with what feels right in your truth. The same isn't for everyone which just is. I ask now that you have read this are you going to give more thought in where you source your personal necessities, what you are putting on and in your body and where your food comes from? Or are you going to continue on with your current repeating pattern? The choice to become further enlightened is within your control and we are all born with this capability. My hope is you start with one question to yourself that prompts a positive change in your truth. My favorite motto that has had a profound impact on me is "Be the Change You Wish to See in this World."

Love and Light,


Pic Above: Meditating has helped me beyond words in becoming more mindful. My shirt says "Endless Weekend" it reminds me of Hawaii. I don't know why but it just does maybe it's because of how I feel when I am there.

Pic Below: I love wearing statement t-shirts if you see me around in a casual environment you may get a nice message. This pic was taken at Minneopa State Park. It's been so fun to get out and explore our state so much beauty to be grateful for.

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