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Live with a joyous attitude

Authentically Me Speaking

Everyone of us is on our own journey and each one of us has a story to tell. Through my personal experience once you get to a place in your life where you are able to be your true authentic self you will know it. How so you ask? You are no longer ashamed of your story, you own up to your past mistakes, you let go of all the shit that has happened, and you drop judgements on others. I see so many people acting one way to one person and then when they get around someone else they act different. I can recall a specific time in my position in Corporate America I was searching for another job because I thought leaving the environment that I was in and going another one would make things better. Ha ha I know right? Once I got to the in-person interview part I remember panicking and "studying" my answers like I was studying for a college exam. At that moment it finally occurred to order to stay in the game I had to tell a story someone else wanted to hear not my truth. This is where I would question what the hell was I doing with this only life I get to experience?

Facing the truth can be difficult because it puts you in a place where you are so vulnerable and for many that isn't a pleasant place to be. As I become more enlightened by the day you can imagine I read a lot. I also follow other women like myself making positive changes and sharing their story in their own way. We are all re-training our brain to not be caught up in the struggles of society. God didn't put us on this Earth to suffer and struggle through life. As children we are born resilant, open minded, free thinkers, creators, imaginators and we enjoy the hell out of being a kid. Through the way we are raised, people who influence us, television programs we watch, social media sites we belong to we develop this way of living that we think things should be not how we should feel. What we hear about money and see in society we unknowingly develop thoughts in our subconscious that become our beliefs that become our actions. In order to get out of this pattern we have to re-train our brains to unlearn what we have been living our entire lives.

Quickly, I am learning that when you step outside of the "norm" and make positive changes in your life that someone else isn't practicing you open yourself up for judgement. Good that I read many self help books and about the resistance from others because it prepared me for this to happen. However, the comforting part is that as you heal through your stories you become comfortable with yourself and being true to who you are, the comments are just words flowing and now gone. As I walk my life journey and share my stories I am hoping to inspire other people to share their story so others can learn or rise above the norm and do something positive. My hope is that when you read my blog you know I am coming from a place of love and kindness and only the best intentions. Never would I push my way of living on someone else or judge someone else for the way they live. This is how it is now. Our lives are about choices, like I tell my children, you are either a good soul or not a good soul but you get to decide that. How awesome we get to control our destiny!

When I hear people say that "one person can't change the world" or my other favorite is "everything will kill you." I positively laugh inside because I have witnessed miracles happen from one just one persons action's or one person changing their diet to heal themselves from a chronic disease to perfect health. If you don't believe me just watch The Starfish Throwers or Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. These uneducated statements are because looking inward and facing truth is scary. It's easier to believe what we have been subjected to our whole life and turn a blind eye because it's too much. For me blogging, sharing and creating is my way of healing, teaching and inspiring. It's comforting to know that others have walked similar journeys and people find it fascinating to hear and see. I believe we are born to evolve, change, fail, grow, learn, leave a legacy and make this Earth a little better than it was when we entered. I chose to live my life as a joyous event and when I have negative feelings or thoughts I go back to my positive affirmations, meditation and connecting with oneness. I'm a work in process but couldn't be more excited on what the future holds when I have no limits to what I can accomplish and lives I can impact.

Be the Love and Light.


Pic above: Tree Pose on my favorite rock in my favorite lake

Pic below: Connecting with oneness one of my favorite ways to remain authentic

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